Argos gay bar dayton ohio

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“There was nearly one on every street corner,” he said. Many of the city’s breweries owned their own bars and sold seven to 15 varieties of ale each.

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> MORE: 40 things we love about Jay's Seafoodĭayton has long been a city that loves its bars.īefore prohibition, Curt Dalton of the non-profit website Dayton History Books Online and Dayton History, said they were everywhere. Jay's Seafood Restaurant, located at 225 E Sixth St in the nearby Oregon District, was constructed in 1882 from 5,400 pounds of Honduras Mahogany. >RELATED: Century Bar announces closing date for original locationĬentury's cherry and stained-glass back bar, constructed in 1862, was purchased by Steffen's from Gibson's Hotel in Cincinnati.

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The Century Bar plans to relocate next door to the three-story former Dayton Power and Light building by the end of the year. Century Bar owner Diane Spitzig of Daytonian of the Week.

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